Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thankful Thursdays

The Uncooperative Sheets

Last night we were putting freshly laundered sheets on the bed and I found myself getting so frustrated as I tugged and pulled to get each corner wrapped around the edge of the mattress. 'UUUUgggghhh...I hate making this bed,' I said under my breath. And with a lovingly, but truthful response my husband gently reminded me of how blessed we are to have a bed to sleep in, much less having sheets that cooperate when making it. Oh, how right he was. I stepped away from that thanking God for a warm house, a warm bed, sheets, and laundry machines to clean them. It made me also realize how often I take for granted the simple things in life when there are others out there on the 'streets' just looking to find a decent place to lay their head at night. Thank you God for the struggle in making my bed; for in that my eyes were open. You do work in almost comical ways at time. Love you Lord.

1 comment:

gail said...

we are blessed with such abundance, how easily we lose sight of it sometimes. thanks for sharing this 'eye opener' :)