Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Joy of the Lord is our Strength

Last night I had a hard time sleeping because of a heavy heart. I picked up a book that I remembered I had by Joyce Meyer titled Peace...Cast all your cares upon Him. It's short book only totally 56 pages, however, I found myself immersed in its Truth that I couldn't put it down.

Lately, because of some certain trials I am facing, I have had an anxious heart. The greatest truth that encouraged me is that the Joy of the Lord is our Strength. When we are upset, we lose our joy and if we don't have joy then we lose our strength. We need our strength each day to resist the enemy and to live victorious lives through Christ. The enemy's primary goal is to steal, kill, and destroy those who follow Christ. Robbing us of our peace is the onset of his attack to ultimately steal our strength. We can't be powerful Christ follwing soldiers if we are weak. I have recognized several things that cause me to lose my peace. What causes you to lose your peace?

In spite of all the trials I have encountered this week I have actually experienced a lot of peace as well. I am not talking about the peace you feel when you are in a quiet, serene, beautiful setting because that's easy to be peaceful. No, rather, I am talking about remaining peaceful when you are in the "muck and mire". Jesus said He left us peace, not as the world gives, but the kind of peace that "passes all understanding." We can't wrap our mind around it. I believe it's one of the greatest gifts He extends to us. I am looking back over my week right now as I write, and I say to myself "how did I remain peaceful this week among my trials?" That's just it, I didn't do it, but I did decide I would receive His precious gift of peace. So, I encourage those of you who are in a "storm" right now to receive His gift of peace to carry you through and above the "storm".


Tea with Tiffany said...

Thank you for this truth reminder. I needed it. I'm feeling a bit heavy hearted myself today. Need to press into the Prince of Peace..

Thank you for posting comments on my blog. It means so much to know you read my heart. Love you sister in Christ!

Kim Thompson said...

Fill me in on your life when you get a chance! Call me or email me!
I love you!!